Monday, November 25, 2013

NCC November #2: BLUE, and The Last Unicorn

At this point, most of the people I meet are too young to remember one of my favourite movies: The Last Unicorn, which is based on a book by Peter S Beagle by the same name. And by based I mean almost word for word transcribed to an animated movie. It is a masterpiece and has so far survived 31 years as a movie, and 45 years as a book...

Anyway, as a child it was one of my favourites, and early last week I found out that The Last Unicorn screening tour was actually flipping up over the border and was going to be in a theater KIND OF near me! And my boyfriend obliged like the wonderful gentleman he is <3 He drove me and my friend to watch this movie and meet the author to get stuff signed. It was AWESOME.

This photo was taken after the movie, and Beagle was so tired... I felt really bad, but not bad enough to not wait in line anyway. I wanted to spend my money.

Clearly, piCture pOlish whimsy was made for this fandom, and ever since Branden and his pretty blue eyes, that colour has been creeping into regular use like it never has before.... I used acrylic paint and a dotting tool to add a little unicorn to each ring finger nail.

And just to demonstrate my dedication and assure you I didn't give up for my non-dominant hand...

AND, in case you were wondering, here is my loot. I got the two novels signed, and the print too and I bought the print and the white hardcover graphic novel (which makes me cry it's so beautiful) at the event.

My fellow Last Unicorns, arise and squeal with me!

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