Wednesday, July 17, 2013

NCC Flowers #3

I hit the jackpot the other day guys. After having Booster Juice for lunch with my cool friend, Angela (she's so cool, you don't even know), I wandered around like a wandering thing and ended up in Winners, where I hit the aforementioned jackpot. That called for a tweet and then inspiration and here we are.

I couldn't even wait to swatch them (Them being Zoya PixieDust Destiny, Beatrix and Solange), I just jumped into nail art. However, they were each 2 - 3 coats and dried fairly quickly, but even though they felt dry they weren't quite ready for tape at that point, just in case you plan on doing that.

I was already gushing. They look like GUMDROPS. I need the other three, NEED.

I kind of picked randomly and started freehanding flowers, or flowery looking things anyway. It was really chill and easy and surprisingly turned out really well. On my pinkie fingers I did a sponging gradient and on my thumbs I tried to do that thing where you use two reinforcements to make the top of a heart... and then I got lazy and just freehanded. Picspam:

I couldn't even wait for sunshine to take pics in.

Flower skittles! Or gumdrops, right? ;D Are you over the textured matte thing? (I'm obviously not lol) These three colours are really close together so I didn't use them in the BEST way but I really like how it turned out anyway.

As always, a garden =3

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